Saturday, November 2, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 5

Organisational Behaviour - Essay Example mance that works as a motivating factor for employee productivity, and also ensuring that the management is able to plan and also control the manner in which activities are carried out in the organization. In the case of Alleco, the organization has been effective in choosing the most appropriate way of performing the marketing activities. It is true that if the organization disregards wholesalers through selling its products directly to the final consumers, it is likely that the wholesalers may not find reason for stocking these commodities. This relationship with wholesalers and creation of awareness amongst consumers is significant in maintaining high sales volumes. Salaries are some of the motivating factors for employee productivity. It helps in retaining skilled workers and attracting professionals in to the organization. In terms of determining who is to receive a bonus when an organization achieves its targets, it is important to consider all the employees who played a role in facilitating the organization’s accomplishments (Edwards p 79). Giving bonuses to the senior management alone demoralizes the rest of the workers, which lowers their overall productivity. The organizations that maintain happy employees usually achieve their targets sooner than those that disregard their efforts. Workers with an optimistic attitude more often than not take pleasure in the work that they do and feel encouraged and acknowledged for their participation. That worker who is not contented and does not in actual fact get pleasure from the work, but is basically working for a take-home pay generally produces at a low level. Such a worker develops a negative outlook and normally pulls others down. The productivity of a worker is dependent on his rapport with his direct manager (Chapman 2007 pp. 21-24). Health issues for the employees and their families are vital for their productivity. Unhealthy employees are generally unhappy and distressed. Poor health is naturally a

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